@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00058598, author = {伊藤, 毅志 and 松原, 仁 and ライエル・グリンベルゲン and Takeshi, Ito and Hitoshi, Matsubara and Reijer, Grimbergen}, issue = {27(2001-GI-007)}, month = {Mar}, note = {将棋の次の一手を決めるとき、人間はどのように読みを進め、指し手を決定していくのだろうか?本研究では、アマチュア初級者からプロ棋士までの棋力の違う被験者に対して同じ問題を与え、特にその読みの広さと深さを発話データから調べ、比較した。その結果、上級者ほど深く読むことがわかった。また、中級者(アマチュア初段前後)が一番広く読むことが示され、上級者になるほど、狭く深く読むことが可能になることが示唆された。, When deciding the next move in game positions, how do human players search the position and make the final decision about which move to play? In this paper, a number of shogi positions are given to subjects ranging in playing strength from beginner to top professional. Specifically, the width and depth of the search of each subject were analyzed using verbal protocol analysis. From the results, it could be concluded that stronger players search deeper. It was also shown that intermediate players (about 1-dan amateur) search the widest. With improving playing strength, it becomes possible to narrow the width of the search.}, title = {将棋プレーヤーの棋力の違いによる読みの広さと深さ}, year = {2002} }