@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00034620, author = {宮田, 章裕 and 福井, 健太郎 and 本田, 研作 and 重野, 寛 and 岡田, 謙一 and Akihiro, Miyata and Kentaro, Fukui and Kensaku, Honda and Hiroshi, Shigeno and Kenichi, Okada}, issue = {64(2003-DPS-113)}, month = {Jun}, note = {ミーティングの様子を記録した映像や音声を参照する機会は数多いが,そこから参加者の思考状態を読み取るのは難しい.そこで,本稿では参加者のβ波情報を加工して思考状態を数値化し,ミーティングのログの索引とすることを提案する.そして,提案概念を実現したミーティング分析システム MR-Mind を紹介する.する., There are many opportunities to record situations of meeting as movie files or sound files and refer to them. However, recording participants' mental states and obtaining those informations from log files is very difficult. With this issue in mind, in this research, we proposed to digitalize participants' mental states and to make indeces of meeting logs by using their beta wave informations. To realize our proposition, we have implemented a meeting recording system named MR-Mind.}, title = {脳波情報を利用したミーティング分析}, year = {2003} }