 author = {信田, 圭哉 and 長谷川, 明生 and Keiya, Nobuta and Akiumi, Hasegawa},
 issue = {17},
 month = {Feb},
 note = {一般的な PC よも安価な Raspberry Pi を使用し,コンピュータクラスタを構成する.並列計算機環境の構築の一部を自動化するシステムを開発し,コストの面と扱いやすさの点から初学者向きの環境を目指す., We construct a computer cluster using Raspberry Pi which is lower cost than common PC. We developped a system to automate a part of construction of parallel computing environment, and are aimed at environment for beginner in cost and in term of ease of use.},
 title = {安価なコンピュータを用いた実験・教育用並列計算機環境の構築},
 year = {2014}