 author = {石塚, 正也 and 高田, 哲司 and Masaya, Ishizuka and Tetsuji, Takada},
 book = {コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2013論文集},
 issue = {4},
 month = {Oct},
 note = {本研究では携帯端末の振動機能を活用した,覗き見攻撃に対して安全な認証方式を提案する.振動で秘密情報を共有することで覗き見に対して安全性を担保し,記憶負荷の低い,4桁の暗証番号だけで利用でき,新たに装置を必要としない認証方式である.また理論上ではビデオカメラによる覗き見攻撃にも安全性を確保しうる携帯端末向け個人認証手法であり,Androidスマートフォンでの実装,実験をした.実験の結果,最短ユーザーは21秒で認証に成功し,認証時間が最も優れていた速度で9%程度の認証エラー率であること,そして認証操作の動画から正しい暗証番号の推測ができた被験者がいないことが分かった., Our study is shoulder surfing resistant authentication system with smart-phone's vibration. Our authentication system shares secret information between user with vibration, which has some features, possible to defend against shoulder surfing attack with camera, low memory load, possible to authenticate the user only with 4-digit PINs, without any extra devices. This paper describes that the design of the authentication system with smart-phone's vibration, which theoretically enable to resistant multiple times shoulder surfing with camera. We did a feasibility experiment and safety experiment with Android smart-phone. We find that the fastest user was able to authenticate within 21 seconds, authentication failure rate was 9% in fastest authentication speed. Furthermore, all subjects were unable to guess true password from video movies.},
 pages = {708--715},
 publisher = {情報処理学会},
 title = {振動機能を応用した携帯端末での個人認証における覗き見攻撃対策手法の提案},
 volume = {2013},
 year = {2013}