@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00009451, author = {高塚, 光幸 and 多田, 真祟 and 佐々木, 良一 and Mitsuyuki, Takatsuka and Masataka, Tada and Ryoichi, Sasaki}, issue = {9}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {近年,デジタル・フォレンジック技術において証拠の電子開示手続きであるe-Discovery技術が重要になってきている.開示する文書の中には,機密情報やプライバシ情報などが含まれている場合が多く,これらの情報を保護するために部分的に秘匿(これを「墨塗り」という)をしたい場合は多い.しかし,通常のデジタル署名を施している状況で,墨塗りを許すと,墨塗り以外の部分を改ざんしても,その改ざんを検知できないという問題がある.一方で墨塗りを許すと,過剰な墨塗りを行い,開示対象文書の提出を逃れる可能性も出てくる.そこで本稿では,セキュリティデバイスを用いて,開示情報の墨塗りと,証拠性の確保の両立を可能とするe-Discoveryシステムの提案を行う., In late years the e-Discovery technique which is an electronic disclosure procedure of evidence in digital forensic technique becomes important. In a document to disclose, there is much it when wanting to do concealment (this is called “sanitizing”) partially so that a lot of cases that privacy information or privacy information are included in protect these information. However, there is a problem not to be able to detect the manipulation even if I tamper with moiety except a sanitizing method of coating when I allow you to a sanitizing method of coating in circumstances making normal digital signature on. On the other hand, I do a surplus sanitizing method of coating when I forgive a sanitizing method of coating, and potency escaping from presentation of an object document comes out. Thus, by this thesis, I use a security device and suggest an e-Discovery system enabling compatibility of security of a sanitizing method of coating of disclosure information and evidence nature.}, pages = {3191--3198}, title = {開示情報の墨塗りと証拠性確保を両立させるe-Discoveryシステムの提案}, volume = {49}, year = {2008} }