@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00088038, author = {星野, 寛登 and 杉村, 博 and 松本, 一教 and Hiroto, Hoshino and Hiroshi, Sugimura and Kazunori, Matsumoto}, issue = {29}, month = {Jan}, note = {この論文では従来からのアンケート調査によるデータ収集に加えて,人間の潜在的な特徴データを収集できるシステムを提案する.潜在的なデータを利用することで,従来のアンケート調査からは知ることのできなかった特徴を分析することが可能となる.本論文ではシステムの概要提案と小規模な実験結果を示す., This paper proposes a new combined method that can measure consumer attitudes. Conventional approaches such as interviews, protocol analysis, and data mining mainly focus on attitudes that explicitly appear on the conscious level so that implicit ones could not be measured by those conventional approaches. Recent studies on cognitive science states implicit human attitudes to some extent subject conscious behaviors. With this investigation, the implicit association test, which is often called IAT, is developed as an effective tool to measure implicit part of human understanding of things. We in this paper propose an extended version of IAT that runs on Web environment. Based on this tool, we propose a new data mining that reflects implicit information of human. This paper shows an essential idea of this study and results of small experiments.}, title = {潜在性を考慮したコンシューマ分析の提案}, year = {2013} }