@inproceedings{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00086750, author = {益尾, 文里 and 高田, 哲司 and Fumisato, Masuo and Tetsuji, Takada}, book = {コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2012論文集}, issue = {3}, month = {Oct}, note = {記憶照合型個人認証への攻撃方法の1つに推測に基づくパスワード破りがある.辞書攻撃や類推攻撃はその一例と言えよう.この攻撃への対策として我々は「情報認知の個人差」を秘密情報に応用した認証手法を提案する.この対策方法により,攻撃者が複数回の推測を成功しないと秘密情報の特定ができなくなり,結果として推測攻撃に対する安全性が向上する.このアイデアに基づき似顔絵を秘密情報とした認証システムを実装し,利用可能性と安全性に関して被験者による評価実験を実施した., Password cracking is a practical issue in knowledge-based user authentication. Especially password guessing attack, such as dictionary attack, is a major methods in this type of attack. To counter this type of attack, we try to apply ``a personal difference in information recognition'' to a user authentication. This makes password guessing more hard because attackers have to guess a victim's secret more than one times. In this paper, we use a deformed portrait as a secret in a user authentication. In this system, attackers have to succeed two guesses in order to impersonate a victim: 1) Whose face is a secret?, 2) How a face is illustrated to a portrait? We implemented a prototype authentication system and conducted a user study to evaluate memorability of a secret and security level to a guessing attack.}, pages = {865--872}, publisher = {情報処理学会}, title = {似顔絵認証: 情報認知の個人差を用いた記憶照合型個人認証への推測攻撃に対する安全性向上策の提案}, volume = {2012}, year = {2012} }