@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00082465, author = {神沼, 靖子 and 宮川, 裕之 and Yasuko, Kaminuma and Hiroyuki, Miyagawa}, issue = {4}, month = {May}, note = {ISECON は情報システム教育の質向上を目的として,2008 年度に創設したコンテストである.ISECON2011 で 4 回目となった.第 4 回は,2011.10 に公募が始まり,2012.3.10 の最終審査で終了した.そこで,本コンテストの経過をまとめて報告するとともに,ここに至る 4 回のコンテストを総合的に分析する.このレポートは,審査委員長と実行委員長の視点でまとめた内容である.本コンテストでは教育における PDCA サイクル (plan-do-check-act cycle) の有効性が評価され,ISECON の質の向上も確認できた., The ISECON (Information Systems Education CONtest) was started for the purpose of the quality improvement of the education in 2008. ISECON2011 are the fourth contests. The entry to this contest began at October, 2011, and the last examination was held on March 10th, 2012. Then, the transition of the contest of 4 times is synthetically analyzed, and the progress of present contest is reported. The content of this report is summarized in the viewpoint of examination chairman and execution chairman. In this contest, the effectiveness of PDCA cycle (plan-do-check-act cycle) in the education was evaluated, and the improvement in the quality of ISECON was able to be confirmed.}, title = {ISECON2011で確認できた継続的な情報システム教育の成果}, year = {2012} }