 author = {齊藤, 康廣 and 門田, 暁人 and 松本, 健一 and Yasuhiro, Saito and Akito, Monden and Kenichi, Matsumoto},
 issue = {1},
 month = {Mar},
 note = {ソフトウェア委託開発において,ユーザが作成する RFP のユーザ要件を評価し,ユーザとベンダとの契約時の要件定義を明確にすることは,ソフトウェア開発プロセスを成功させることにとって極めて重要である.ベンダによるソフトウェア開発プロセスについては,非機能要件として文献やガイドラインに多数のメトリクスが提示されている.しかし,超上流工程でユーザ要件を評価するために適用するメトリクスを抽出する指針はない.そこで,本研究では,ユーザ視点から見た保守・運用に重要な非機能要求メトリクスを調査資料及び文献から抽出し,RFP 作成時点で保守・運用の記述内容を評価する評価特性として構成し,ウェッブから検索した RFP の評価を行った., For the most part of contracted based software projects, RFP will be made up by user and this will be used for requirement to submit the technical proposal for vender. In this process, it is very important to evaluate the user requirements in RFP as a definition of user requirement. So many metrics are proposed in software development process by vender. However there are few supports and guidelines for the metrics and indicators as user requirements in most upstream of software developments process. Then this paper is proposed the simple evaluation model of Non-functional requirements included in RFP especially for user maintenance and operation viewpoints. This model consists of metrics and organized characteristic indicators which are elicit from the documents and the reports. And some of the evaluations are executed for RFPs which are searched and gathered from web.},
 title = {Request For Proposal(RFP)における保守・運用要件指標の抽出と評価},
 year = {2012}