@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00079662, author = {油井, 誠 and 小島, 功 and Makoto, Yui and Isao, Kojima}, issue = {4}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD)}, month = {Dec}, note = {本論文では無共有計算機設計においてデータウェアハウス処理を行ううえでタプルの再分散の問題に着目し,タプルの再分散を必要としない並列データベース構成法を述べる.特にΦハッシュ分割と呼ぶ,タプルの再分散を必要としないテーブル分割手法を提案する.Φハッシュ分割ではノード数に対するスケーラビリティを維持しながら,TPC-Hなどの複雑なデータ分析問合せを並列処理することができる.TPC-HのSF=100による評価実験で,提案手法がMapReduceに基づく競合システムHiveに対して顕著な性能面での優越(3.1倍~19.9倍)があることを示すとともに,我々の問合せ処理手法の現実装における有効範囲と制限に考察を与える., This paper describes a parallel database architecture avoiding tuple redistribution. We focus on the tuple redistribution issue; it becomes problematic on processing data warehouse queries on a shared-nothing architecture. And then, we propose a novel table partitioning technique, named Φ hash partitioning, that can avoid redistribution of tuples. The Φ hash partitioning can handle complex analytical queries, as ones in TPC-H, in parallel. Moreover, the partitioning scheme does not have a scalability limit on the number of nodes. The results of experimental evaluation showed that our system is much (3.1 to 19.9 times) faster than a MapReduce-based system (Hive) on TPC-H SF=100. We also give a consideration on the capabilities and limitations of the current implementation of our query processing scheme.}, pages = {11--33}, title = {タプル再分散不要の並列データベース構成法}, volume = {4}, year = {2011} }