@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00075139, author = {王, 躍 and 小柏, 香穂理 and 刈谷, 丈治 and 小河原, 加久治 and Yue, Wang and Kahori, Ogashiwa and Joji, Kariya and Kakuji, Ogawara}, issue = {2}, month = {Jul}, note = {本研究では,Moodle サイトのスケーラビリティ対策として,オープンソースソフトウエア (OSS) を用いた,スケールアウトでの Moodle サイト負荷分散システムの構築を提案し,その実装実験を通して提案の負荷分散システムの有効性を検証する., As an open source learning management system, Moodle has evolved into one of the most widely-used educational tools in the world. While Moodle can be made to perform very well with a few tens of concurrent users on an all-in-one server [1], it is necessary to scale Moodle site along with performance for more than 100 concurrent users. This report shows how to implement a load-balanced Moodle installation with multiple web servers to achieve horizontal scalability, based on open source software. Validity of the proposed method is confirmed by experimental performance testing.}, title = {OSSに基づいたMoodleサイトのスケーラビリティに関する報告}, year = {2011} }