 author = {森田, 悠樹 and 橋本, 剛 and 小林, 康幸 and Yuki, Morita and Tsuyoshi, Hashimoto and Yasuyuki, Kobayashi},
 book = {ゲームプログラミングワークショップ2010論文集},
 issue = {12},
 month = {Nov},
 note = {コンピュータゲームプレイヤの研究ではゲームの解明も盛んに行われており,近年ではチェッカーが解かれて大きな話題となった.次のターゲットはオセロが有力である.証明数系の探索がオセロにも有効で特にWPNSが良い結果を出すことが報告されている.本稿では単純な2種類のαβ探索とWPNSの比較実験を行った.パブリックドローと呼ばれる定石から作った残り19から25石の難解な局面を使っている.その結果,ソートを行わないαβ探索の性能はかなり落ちるものの子ノードの数でソートしたαβ探索はWPNSと同等の性能を出すことが示された.またWPNSの探索における弱証明数計算の占める割合のデータを示した.それによりオセロ完全探索に向けた今後のより難解な局面の探索でWPNSなど証明数系探索が主役になりにくいことが予想された.また新たに分枝数を閾値とするαβ法を提案し実験を行った., Solving games are one of the hottest topics in the field of computer game player research. Solved the game of Checkers attracted tremendous interest recently. It is generally understood that next target is Othello. Search techniques like the proof-number search are effective and the WPNS gets especially good results are reported. This paper performed comparative experiments between two kinds of simple alphabeta search and the WPNS. Abstruse positions from 19 to 25 stones to put generated from a opening book called the Public Draw are used. The results show that no sort alphabeta search are much inferior to others however alphabeta search sorted by numbers of child nodes performed equivalent quality to that of WPNS. Proportion of weak-proof-number calculation to total search time are also shown by experimental data. By the results, search techniques like proof-number search as WPNS are unexpected to play a leading role to solve more abstruse positions towards perfect search of Othello. We also proposed a new alphabeta search using branching number as threshold and performed experiments.},
 pages = {36--41},
 publisher = {情報処理学会},
 title = {オセロ求解に向けた単純な縦型探索をベースにする探索方法の研究},
 volume = {2010},
 year = {2010}