@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00067549, author = {Kazuhiro, Kono and Yoshimichi, Ito and Akihito, Aoyama and Hiroaki, Kamoda and Noboru, Babaguchi and Kazuhiro, Kono and Yoshimichi, Ito and Akihito, Aoyama and Hiroaki, Kamoda and Noboru, Babaguchi}, issue = {12}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper presents a matrix-based algorithm for integrating inheritance relations of access rights for generating integrated access control policies which unify management of various access control systems. Inheritance relations of access rights are found in subject, resource, and action categories. Our algorithm first integrates inheritance relations in each category, and next, integrates inheritance relations of all categories. It is shown that these operations can be carried out by basic matrix operations. This enables us to implement the integration algorithm very easily., This paper presents a matrix-based algorithm for integrating inheritance relations of access rights for generating integrated access control policies which unify management of various access control systems. Inheritance relations of access rights are found in subject, resource, and action categories. Our algorithm first integrates inheritance relations in each category, and next, integrates inheritance relations of all categories. It is shown that these operations can be carried out by basic matrix operations. This enables us to implement the integration algorithm very easily.}, pages = {3196--3205}, title = {Matrix-Based Algorithm for Integrating Inheritance Relations of Access Rights for Policy Generation}, volume = {50}, year = {2009} }