@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00059745, author = {Yasuhiko, Komoto and Tatsuya, Saito and Kazumasa, Mine and Yasuhiko, Komoto and Tatsuya, Saito and Kazumasa, Mine}, issue = {2}, journal = {Journal of Information Processing}, month = {Aug}, note = {The advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology make it possible to integrate a floating-point unit and a memory management unit noto one microprocessor chip. They also permit the designers of a microprocessor to implement techniques used in the design of mainframe computers especially with regard to pipeline structures. The architecture of the V60 V70 and V80 was made possible by there advances. The V60and V70 are NEC's first 32-bit microprocessors and include almost all the functions required by applied systems in a chip. The instruction set provides a high-level-language-oriented structure operating system sup-port functions and support functions for highly reliable systems. The V80 also employs the same architecture and achieves higher performance by means of cache memories and branch prediction mechanisms. The V80achieved a performance from two to four times higher than that of the V70., The advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology make it possible to integrate a floating-point unit and a memory management unit noto one microprocessor chip. They also permit the designers of a microprocessor to implement techniques used in the design of mainframe computers, especially with regard to pipeline structures. The architecture of the V60, V70, and V80 was made possible by there advances. The V60and V70 are NEC's first 32-bit microprocessors, and include almost all the functions required by applied systems in a chip. The instruction set provides a high-level-language-oriented structure, operating system sup-port functions, and support functions for highly reliable systems. The V80 also employs the same architecture, and achieves higher performance by means of cache memories and branch prediction mechanisms. The V80achieved a performance from two to four times higher than that of the V70.}, pages = {110--122}, title = {Overview of 32-bit V-Series Microprocessor}, volume = {13}, year = {1990} }