@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00055018, author = {土井, 裕人 and Hiroto, DOI}, issue = {85(2006-CH-071)}, month = {Jul}, note = {本報告が試みるのは,UML(Unified Modeling Language 統一モデリング言語)という手法により宗教思想のテキストをモデリングして図示し,比較研究に応用することである.UMLには不十分な点も少なくないが 統一的な表記法に基づく図示によって概念を共有し,違った立場の人々の円滑なコミュニケーションと問題解決を計る趣旨を持つ.これは思想研究などへの応用を考えた場合,興味深いものとなろう., This repot tries to attempt systematic modeling on some religioius thought by using UML(Unified Modeling Language) and to find its application in comparative studies. We know UML has many insufficiencies, because originally UML is a modeling language for software programming. But UML also shares various concepts or systems by unified notation, and unables us to communicate with each other and solve problems. I will show how this approach will contribute to study thoughts.}, title = {思想の比較研究におけるモデリングの応用}, year = {2006} }