@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00047725, author = {村田, 真樹 and 岩立将和 and 一井, 康二 and 馬青 and 白土, 保 and 金丸, 敏幸 and 塚脇, 幸代 and 井佐原, 均 and Masaki, Murata and Masakazu, Iwatate and Koji, Ichii and Qing, Ma and Tamotsu, Shirado and Toshiyuki, Kanamaru and Sachiyo, Tsukawaki and Hitoshi, Isahara}, issue = {33(2008-NL-184)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,大規模な記事群から数値固有表現情報を取り出し,様々な重要な情報を含むグラフや表を半自動で作成するシステムを構築した.われわれのシステムは約2時間の人的労力の半自動的処理で,2年分の新聞記事からおよそ300個の有用なグラフを生成した.本システムは大規模なデータからの情報抽出に役立つ., We constructed a system for semi-automatically extracting numerical and named entity (NE) sets from a large number of documents and creating various kinds of tables and graphs containing the important numerical and NE information. Our system semi-automatically created about three hundred kinds of graphs and tables using the contents of two years' worth of accumulated newspaper articles. The total amount of work performed by a human subject to compete this task was only about two hours. Our system will be useful for information extraction.}, title = {大規模記事群からの数値固有表現情報のテキストマイニング可視化システム}, year = {2008} }