@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00046735, author = {手塚, 一貴 and 別所, 浩資 and 矢守, 恭子 and 田中, 良明 and Kazutaka, Tezuka and Hiroshi, Bessho and Kyoko, Yamori and Yoshiaki, Tanaka}, issue = {37(2008-IOT-001)}, month = {May}, note = {インターネットで映像コンテンツ配信を行う IP 放送が開始されているが,その視聴料金体系や視聴料金設定に関する議論は少ない.本稿では VOD 形の IP 放送サービスにおける定額制の視聴料金について,ゲーム理論の交渉問題を用いて,IP 放送事業者の収入とユーザ便益の妥結点を求めている.具体的には,IP 放送のサービス品質として呼損率に着目し,ユーザと事業者との交渉モデルを定義し,呼損率ごとの妥結点をエージェントシミュレータにより明らかしている., IP broadcast services are becoming popular in the Internet. However, the optimal pricing method for IP broadcasting is not discussed. This paper analyses flat-rate price of VOD type IP broadcast services, and examines the point of agreement between provider's revenue and user's benefit by using the negotiation problem of game theory. This analysis pays attention to the request blocking rate as the quality of service. The negotiation model between user and provider is defined, and the points of agreement for various request blocking rates are obtained by the agent simulator. As a result, the optimal prices are shown.}, title = {定額制 VOD 形 IP 放送における事業者収入とユーザ便益の妥結点}, year = {2008} }