@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00036762, author = {美崎薫}, issue = {71(2005-HI-114)}, month = {Jul}, note = {SmartWriteとSmartCalendarは、コンピュータに紙らしさを採り入れようとする試みである。紙とコンピュータの違いは、「保存」と「スクロール」操作にあると考えた。そこでSmartWriteでは保存を自動化して、紙の操作感を実現した。SmartCalendarは、スクロールせずに、SmartWriteのメモや大量の写真をカレンダー型に提示したり、パイル状に積み上げて整理できる環境をめざした。これによって、紙らしさをもったソフトを実現できた。なお、SmartWriteとSmartCalendarは、仕様と実装を分離したため、複数の実装が現れる可能性がある。, We attempt to bring user friendliness of paper in computer. There is a big difference between paper and computer in saving operation an scrolling operation. SmartWrite enable to save automatically, its operation feeling is paper-like. SmartCalendar enables to show several files with calendar style. We can see lots of data files, such as memorandom made by SmartWrite, huge number of photos at a glance without scrolling. Also during execution of SmartCalendar, we can pile up files shown in the screen and organize them. These computer softwares have characteristic in having paper operation feeling. At making these two software, namely SmartWrite and SmartCalendar, we divided planing phase and programming phase. Then there is possiblity to appear sevral programs during SmartWrite and SmartCalendar execution.}, title = {SmartWrite/SmartCalendar:手軽に書けるメモとメモと写真を見続けるカレンダー環境の提案}, year = {2005} }