@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00032183, author = {日吉, 久礎 and 杉原, 厚吉 and Hisamoto, Hiyoshi and Kokichi, Sugihara}, issue = {41(1998-AL-062)}, month = {May}, note = {Voronoi図を用いた補間法としては,Sibsonによるものがよく知られている.本稿ではVoronoi図を用いたSibsonのものとは異なる補間法を提案し,その性質,特に連続微分可能性について考察する.また,Voronoi図の情報を陽に用いない形に補間法を拡張する.拡張した補間法を応用することによって,数値誤差に対してrobustな補間法およびC^1の補同法が得られる., Sibson's interpolant is well-known as the interpolation method using Voronoi diagrams. This paper proposes another interpolation method using Voronoi diagrams and considers properties of this interpolant, especially its continuous differentiability. In addition, the interpolation method is extended to the form that does not use Voronoi diagrams explicitly. The application of the extention leads to robustness and continuous differeentiability of the interpolation method.}, title = {Voronoi図を用いたもう一つの補間法}, year = {1998} }