@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00030972, author = {杉藤, 芳雄 and Yoshio, Sugito}, issue = {71(1989-PRO-030)}, month = {Sep}, note = {グラフ還元は、記号列への書き換え規則の適用を、記号列のデータ構造表現上での書き換えの実行とみなし、当該データ構造の特徴を積極的に利用する還元形熊である。本稿では、組合せ論理の世界でのグラフ還元という状況において、記号列のデータ構造に殆ど必然的に登場し、かつ、還元過程の重要な鍵を握る共有構造に関する効用と限界を、関数型言語プログラムの組合せ論理表現という事例研究を交えて検討する。, Graph reduction, where applications of rewrite rules into strings of symbols are regarded as an execution of rewrite rules in the data structure of the strings, makes good use of the characteristic of its data structure. In this report, in the circumstances of graph reduction applied in the frame of Combinatory Logic, including the case study for analysis of Combinatory Logic representation of a functional language program, we discuss the effects and limitations of sharing structures, which appear almost necessarily in the data strucures of strings and which play an important role in the reduction process.}, title = {グラフ還元における共有構造の効用と限界}, year = {1989} }