@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00030912, author = {杉藤, 芳雄 and Yoshio, Sugito}, issue = {11(1989-PRO-024)}, month = {Feb}, note = {関数型言語の一処理方式として、その組合せ論理表現形を組合せ論理に関する還元により評価実行するものがある。その際、共有構造の有効利用等の面から注目される“グラフ還元”と称する還元形態がどの程度まで有効に機能するかを、圏論的枠組み(即ち、圏的組合せ論理)の場合を含めて検討する。, As one of the methods of processing functional language, there exists the way which evaluates and executes its corresponding combinatory logic codes by means of combinatory logic's reduction. We investigate how effectively "graph reduction", which has the possibility of enjoying the merits of sharing structures, could perform in case of using the method, and also in case of using the framework of category theory( that is, categorical combinatory logic).}, title = {組合せ論理による関数型言語の処理へのグラフ還元の寄与}, year = {1990} }