 author = {有山, 大地 and Ariyama, Daichi},
 month = {Nov},
 note = {「ソフトウェアエフェクタを利用した同一機材を必要としない機械学習によるエレキギター音色の自動再現手法の検討」の論文内,4.4節で言及したアンケートで用いた動画であり,本論文で扱う再現手法の有効性を主観品質評価にて確認するものです., This is a video used in the questionnaire mentioned in section 4.4 of the paper “Investigation of Automatic Reproduction Method of Electric Guitar Tones by Machine Learning Using Software Effectors without the Need of the Same Equipment”, and it confirms the effectiveness of the reproducibility method treated in this paper by subjective quality evaluation.},
 title = {アンケート用動画.mp4(Supplementary material)},
 year = {2020},
 yomi = {アリヤマ, ダイチ}