@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00231815, author = {清水, 信作 and 森, 信一郎 and Shinsaku, Shimizu and Shinichiro, Mori}, issue = {46}, month = {Jan}, note = {現在,視覚障害者の単独歩行を支援する制度・サービスとして同行援護や盲導犬,点字ブロックなどがある.同行援護・盲導犬では数が足りておらず点字ブロックなども場所が限られており視覚障害者の単独歩行は現在の環境では難しい.そこで新たな同行援護の形として遠隔からの視覚障害者支援システムを考えた.遠隔からの支援を行えるようにすることで同行援護者が現地に赴く手間を省き一人当たりの援護者数を増加させることで人手不足の解消になると考えた.内容としては視覚障害者の周囲の聴覚情報・視覚情報をセンシングにより入手し,VR ゴーグルや立体音響を用いることで遠隔にいる援護者に視覚障害者と同等の情報を与えることで環境を把握し,その情報をもとに誘導を行う.提案手法と現在活用されている歩行支援システムとを比較し目的地までの誘導時間が短縮されるのかについて検証した., Currently, there are systems and services that support visually impaired people walking independently, such as companion assistance, guide dogs, and Braille blocks. In the current environment, it is difficult for visually impaired people to walk alone, as there are not enough companions and guide dogs, and there is limited space for Braille blocks. Therefore, we considered a remote support system for the visually impaired as a new form of accompanying support. The idea was that by making it possible to provide support remotely, it would eliminate the need for accompanying supporters to travel to the site and increase the number of supporters per person, thereby resolving the manpower shortage. The content is to obtain auditory and visual information around the visually impaired person through sensing, and to use VR goggles and stereophonic sound to give remote support personnel the same information as the visually impaired person, allowing them to understand the environment. , and have them guide you based on that information. We will compare and verify whether this method can provide guidance without problems by comparing it with currently used walking support systems.}, title = {視覚障害者への遠隔からの単独歩行支援システムの検討}, year = {2024} }