@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00224975, author = {加藤, 尚徳 and 村上, 陽亮 and 神津, 実 and Naonori, Kato and Kyoko, Mori and Yosuke, Murakami and Minoru, Kouzu}, issue = {35}, month = {Mar}, note = {2022 年 9 月,欧州委員会は Proposal for a Directive on adapting non contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence(AILD)を公表した.欧州委員会は 2021 年 4 月に AI 規則の提案も行っており,AI に関する制度整備を進めている.また ,AILD は PLD(製造物責任指令)改正と併せて議論が行われている.本稿では,AILD 提案の背景を中心に分析を行い,今後の AI 利用に関して AILD がどのような影響を与える可能性があるか検討を行う., September 2022, the European Commission published a Proposal for a Directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AILD). The Commission has also proposed an AI Regulation in April 2021, and is developing an institutional framework for AI. The AILD is also being discussed in conjunction with amendments to the PLD (Product Liability Directive). This paper analyses the background to the AILD proposal and examines the potential impact of the AILD on the future use of AI.}, title = {いわゆるAIに関する国際規制動向調査報告 ~欧州委員会によるAILD提案の分析~}, year = {2023} }