 author = {中辻, 佑弥 and 中島, 伸介 and 田中, 克己 and 河合, 由起子},
 issue = {25},
 month = {Sep},
 note = {短歌や俳句,ことわざや川柳など,日本文化の理解や知識に基づいた短文となる詩を他文化の人々に共感してもらうことは難しい.本研究では,それら詩の独自の表現を他文化に合わせた表現に代替する詩翻訳手法を提案する.特に,本稿では詩の表現手法における名詞の重要性に着目し,俳句と短歌に出現する名詞の代替に取り組む.具体的には,詩を形態素解析し名詞を抽出し,word2vec の和差演算より他文化における代替名詞を算出する.また,他文化における代替名詞候補と,同詩に出現する他の代替名詞候補との関係性から代替名詞を抽出する.本稿では,他文化に合わせた翻訳手法を提案し,名詞による感情や事象を表現する手法となる短歌,俳句を対象に,アメリカ,ブラジル,ニューカレドニアに対して抽出された代替名詞を評価検証する., It is difficult for people from other cultures to empathize with short poems such as tanka, haiku, proverbs, and willow, which are based on their understanding and knowledge of Japanese culture. In this study, we propose a poetry translation method that substitutes the unique expressions of these poems for those of other cultures. In particular, this paper focuses on the importance of nouns in poetic expression, and addresses the substitution of nouns that appear in haiku and tanka poems. Specifically, we extract nouns from morphological analysis of poems, and calculate alternative nouns in other cultures using word2vec's sum-difference operation. Alternative nouns are also extracted based on the relationship between alternative noun candidates in other cultures and other alternative noun candidates that appear in the same poem. This paper proposes a translation method adapted to other cultures, and evaluates and verifies the alternative nouns extracted for the United States, Brazil, and New Caledonia for tanka and haiku, which are methods of expressing emotions and events with nouns.},
 title = {他文化における共感を伴う詩翻訳手法の提案},
 year = {2022}