@inproceedings{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00216819, author = {真弓, 大輝 and 中村, 優吾 and 松田, 裕貴 and 松井, 智一 and 三崎, 慎也 and 安本, 慶一 and 野原, 潤子 and Daiki, Mayumi and Yugo, Nakamura and Yuki, Matsuda and Tomokazu, Matsui and Shinya, Misaki and Keiichi, Yasumoto and Junko, Nohara}, book = {行動変容と社会システム vol.08}, month = {Mar}, note = {新型コロナウイルス感染拡大により,実店舗での試食販売の実施が制限され,売れ残った野菜などの生鮮食品の廃棄が問題となっている.本研究では,試食販売の代替案を模索するべく,試食販売時に発生する「香り」に着目し,香りのナッジが購買行動に及ぼす影響を調査する.具体的には,奈良県の伝統野菜である大和丸なすの購買促進を題材として取り上げ,大和丸なすの旬である2021年の6月から7月の2ヶ月間,実店舗での実証実験を行なった.そして,(1)提示なし,(2)紙媒体の提示,(3)紙・動画媒体の提示,(4)紙・動画・香り媒体の提示という4つの条件下における,販売ブースへの訪問回数,滞在時間,売上高を比較した.実験の結果,香りナッジを用いた介入によって消費者の興味を引き,購買の意思決定に正の影響を与える可能性が示唆された., Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, tasting sales at supermarkets have been restricted, and the disposal of unsold vegetables and other perishable foods has become a problem.To explore alternatives to tasting sales, this study focuses on the "aroma" generated during tasting sales and explores the effect of aroma nudges on purchasing behavior.Specifically, we focused on the scenario of promoting the purchase of Yamato-maru eggplant, a traditional vegetable of Nara Prefecture in Japan. We conducted an experiment in a supermarket for two months, from June to July of 2021, the season of the Yamato-maru eggplant. We compared the number of visits to the sales booth, the time spent in the booth, and the sales amount under four conditions: (1) no presentation, (2) presentation of paper media, (3) presentation of the paper and video media, and (4) presentation of a paper, video, and olfactory display media. The results of the experiment confirmed that sales increased by an average of 1.83 times from the previous year due to the intervention using aroma nudges. Through the demonstration experiment, it was suggested that interventions using aroma nudges have a positive potential to attract consumer interest and positively influence their purchasing decisions.}, publisher = {情報処理学会}, title = {香りナッジが実店舗の購買行動に及ぼす影響の調査}, volume = {2022}, year = {2022} }