@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00216752, author = {梶並, 知記 and 小田, 凌平 and Tomoki, Kajinami and Ryohei, Oda}, issue = {1}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌デジタルコンテンツ(DCON)}, month = {Feb}, note = {本稿では,対戦型格闘ゲームを対象とし,プレイヤの視線情報を用いた試合の振り返りを支援するインタフェースを提案する.対戦型格闘ゲームは,2名のプレイヤがそれぞれ格闘家を模したキャラクタを操作し,相手と闘うゲームである.対戦型格闘ゲームの典型的なゲーム画面のレイアウトは,リングを横から見たカメラ視点であり,キャラクタ2体が同一軸上に左右に並んで向かい合う形となる.2名のプレイヤは,同一内容のゲーム画面を見てプレイする.プレイヤは,自分達が行った試合の動画を見直して,戦略/戦術について議論する振り返りをする場合がある.しかしながら,プレイ中のプレイヤの視線情報を用いた,試合の振り返り支援はあまり行われていない.本稿では,2名のプレイヤの視線情報を用いて,ゲーム画面上のプレイヤの着目箇所や視線の移動軌跡の類似性/差異性を強調して可視化する4つの機能を備えた,試合の振り返り支援インタフェースを提案する.対戦型格闘ゲームの経験者を被験者とした評価実験を行った結果,提案インタフェースが振り返りの際の議論のきっかけを与え有効であることと,提案機能ごとに有効性が異なることを示す., This paper proposes an interface that makes use of players' gaze information to aid play-by-play analysis of fighting game matches. In fighting games, two players take control of characters resembling grappler and battle one another. In the typical fighting game screen layout, a camera views the ring from the side, and the two characters face each other along the same axis: one on the left and the other on the right. The two players see the same on-screen game content as they play. Players may watch replay footage matches they have fought, discussing strategic and tactical aspects. However, there are few existing means of aiding reflection on matches that make use of players' in-game gaze information. This paper proposes an interface to aid play-by-play analysis of matches by including a visualization function that makes use of the two players' gaze information, emphasizing the similarities and differences between the players' on-screen points of visual focus and gaze movement paths by four proposed functions. The results of an experimental evaluation on subjects experienced with fighting games show that the proposed interface effectively stimulates reflective discussion and that its effectiveness differs for each proposed function.}, pages = {1--15}, title = {対戦型格闘ゲームを対象にした視線情報に基づく試合振り返り支援インタフェース}, volume = {10}, year = {2022} }