@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00211836, author = {坂下, 秀}, issue = {3}, month = {Jul}, note = {著者が代表取締役を務めるソフトウェア開発を主な業務とする会社では,コロナ禍に対応して,2021 年始めにすべての従業員の勤務を在宅にすることを決定した.在宅勤務実施の経緯やその過程で発生したさまざまな事象について報告する., In response to the Corona disaster, the company whose main business is software development, of which the author is the CEO, decided that all employees would work from home in early 2021. I report on the background of this decision and various events that occurred in the process.}, title = {コロナ禍において,小規模ソフトウェア会社での在宅勤務移行時に発生したさまざまな事象の報告}, year = {2021} }