@inproceedings{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00208473, author = {Hiroki, Furue and Yasuhiko, Ikematsu and Yutaro, Kiyomura and Tsuyoshi, Takagi and Hiroki, Furue and Yasuhiko, Ikematsu and Yutaro, Kiyomura and Tsuyoshi, Takagi}, book = {コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2020論文集}, month = {Oct}, note = {Unbalanced oil and vinegar signature scheme (UOV) is known as one of the securest multivariate signature schemes, but a disadvantage of UOV is its large public key.<br>In this paper, we propose a new variant of UOV with the public key represented by block matrices whose components are represented as an element of a quotient ring.<br>We discuss how the irreducibility of the polynomial generating the quotient ring affects the security of our proposed scheme.<br>Furthermore, we investigate secure parameters of our proposed scheme against the previously known and possible attacks.<br>As a result, our proposed scheme is able to reduce public key size without increasing signature size comparing with other variants of UOV.<br>For example, the public key of our proposed scheme is 66.7 KB in security level IV of NIST PQC project, whereas that of cyclic Rainbow is 252.3 KB.}, pages = {324--331}, publisher = {情報処理学会}, title = {A New Variant of Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Using Quotient Ring: QR-UOV}, year = {2020} }