@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00203375, author = {田﨑, 来実 and 小松, 文子 and Kurumi, Tazaki and Ayako, Komatsu}, issue = {29}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究は身近なセキュリティ対策の 1 つである更新とバックアップを取り上げ,対策を実施する人と実施しない人の間の,リスク認知に注目をした.リスクを低く見積もってしまう原因であるバイアスやセキュリティ意識,セキュリティ行動,セキュリティ知識に関して質問紙調査をし分析をした結果を報告する., This study focuses on update and backup, which are one of the most common security measures, and focuses on risk perception between those who implement the measures and those who do not. We report the results of a questionnaire survey and analysis of bias, security awareness, security behavior, and security knowledge, which are the causes of underestimating risk.}, title = {個人のリスク認知と情報セキュリティ対策行動}, year = {2020} }