 author = {Hiroki, Kashiwazaki and Hiroki, Takakura and Shinji, Shimojo and Hiroki, Kashiwazaki and Hiroki, Takakura and Shinji, Shimojo},
 book = {インターネットと運用技術シンポジウム論文集},
 month = {Nov},
 note = {A wide-area distributed application is affected by network failure due to natural disasters because the servers on which the application operates are distributed geographically in a wide area. Failure Injection Testing (FIT) is a method for verifying fault tolerance of widely distributed applications. In this paper, by limiting network failures only to the connection line, whole FIT scenarios are generated, and exhaustive evaluation of fault tolerance is performed. The authors propose a method to omit the evaluations from the aspect of topological constraint conditions. And they evaluate the visualization method of performance data obtained from this evaluation and the reduction of the fault tolerance evaluation cost by the proposed method., A wide-area distributed application is affected by network failure due to natural disasters because the servers on which the application operates are distributed geographically in a wide area. Failure Injection Testing (FIT) is a method for verifying fault tolerance of widely distributed applications. In this paper, by limiting network failures only to the connection line, whole FIT scenarios are generated, and exhaustive evaluation of fault tolerance is performed. The authors propose a method to omit the evaluations from the aspect of topological constraint conditions. And they evaluate the visualization method of performance data obtained from this evaluation and the reduction of the fault tolerance evaluation cost by the proposed method.},
 pages = {17--24},
 publisher = {情報処理学会},
 title = {Omission Approach of SDN-FIT evaluation to evaluate wide area distributed applications},
 volume = {2019},
 year = {2019}