@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00199513, author = {堀, 真寿美 and 小野, 成志 and 宮下, 健輔 and 坂下, 秀 and 喜多, 敏博 and Masumi, Hori and Seishi, Ono and Kensuke, Miyashita and Shiu, Sakashita and Toshihiro, Kita}, issue = {14}, month = {Sep}, note = {学習経済は,人々の「学び」を市場で取り引きし,報酬を得る教育の仕組みである.社会環境が急速に変化する現代において,フォーマルな教育で獲得する知識は限られており,人々が苦労して学校で手に入れた知識も,時間と共にその価値を失ってしまう.このため,現代では,人々が生涯にわたり獲得できる仕組みが求められている.我々は,そのためのインフォーマルな教育の仕組みとして学習経済を提案してきている.しかし学習経済には,学びの質保証を行う仕組みが弱いというという点で課題がある.本稿では,学習経済へのコンピテンシーモデルを導入することで学びの質が保証されることを提案するため,現存するコンピテンシーモデルの一つを解析し,コンピテンシーモデルを学習経済にどのようにして導入すべきかの検証を行った., The knowledge that people have acquired through formal education is limited in the present rapidly changing social environment. The knowledge also loses its value quickly in modern society so that there is a demand for a new educational mechanism that people can acquire throughout their lives for updating their knowledge regularly. We have proposed a learning economy as an informal educational mechanism which enables people to trade and learn from the market. This mechanism is appropriate for incorporating the advantages of market principles and motivating people to learn; however, it has a challenge in terms of quality assurance of learning when the majority of people comprehensively values wrong information. This paper proposes the new educational system that learners trade their learning outcomes based on market principles as well as competency-based learning in the learning economy. Learners' competencies provide the quality assurance of learning while a wide variety of learning outcome which corresponds their knowledge and skills are produced in the learning economy. More importantly, the competencies in the learning economy are updated continuously by learners' trade of their learning logs and are automatically rebuild according to their social needs. As the first step to realize such a mechanism, we look into the feasibility of introducing existing competency models to the learning economy.}, title = {コンピテンシーベースドラーニングの学習経済への導入}, year = {2019} }