 author = {金子, 雄介 and 長田, 繁幸 and 安土, 茂亨 and 岡田, 仁志 and 山崎, 重一郎 and Yusuke, Kaneko and Shigeyuki, Osada and Shigeyuki, Azychi and Hitoshi, Okada and Shigeichiro, Yamasaki},
 issue = {24},
 month = {Jul},
 note = {ブロックチェーン技術による分散台帳を利用する仮想通貨は,二重使用を防止するために,すべての取引で入金額の和と出金額の和が一致すること,すなわち,通貨価値の総量保存則が成り立つことを監査している.仮想通貨を金融業務で用いるには,利息による負債額の時間的増加や返済による負債額の減少を表現できる必要があるが,仮想通貨の安全な運用とは両立しない.本稿は,通貨価値の総量保存則を維持しつつ,利息や返済などの処理を合理的に記述する方法を提案する.提案法では,利息を考慮した融資額を意味する正の仮想通貨と,対となる同量の負債額を意味する負の仮想通貨を同時に発行し,これら 2 種類の仮想通貨の発行者のみが正負の仮想通貨を相殺する., Cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology keep the deposit's total amount to meet withdraws' one for preventing double spend, in other word they audit "the conservation of currency value", in every transaction. In order to use the cryptocurrencies in financial business, it is necessary to express the increase or decrease of debt amount by interest, however, it is incompatible with the safety of cryptocurrency operation. In this paper, we propose a reasonable method which can express not only processing such as interest or repayment but also keep the conservation of currency value. In proposed method, the issuer simultaneously issues the same amount of positive and negative cryptocurrencies, where the former means the lending amount considering interest and the latter means the debt. Following these issues, the two currencies are offset only by the issuer.},
 title = {利息を記録可能な仮想通貨管理プログラムの設計},
 year = {2018}