@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00189486, author = {岡本, 東 and 堀川, 三好 and Azuma, Okamoto and Mitsuyoshi, Horikawa}, issue = {8}, month = {May}, note = {電波を用いた屋内測位において,受信信号強度 (Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI) による複数地点からの測距結果に基づいた多点測位は,最も基本的なアイデアである.しかし,一般に,この方法で十分な精度が得られないことが知られている.この主な原因として,マルチパスフェージングやシャドウイングなどが挙げられる.また,これらの他に Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) のアドバタイジングを利用する場合,一定周期での受信信号強度の変化が観測される.本研究では,BLE のアドバタイジングの特徴を利用して,信号強度を用いた測距の精度向上を行う手法を提案する.具体的には,用いられる 3 つのチャンネルの周波数の違いを利用して送受信機間の距離を算出する., In indoor positioning using radio waves, the multipoint positioning based on distance measurement result using Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from multiple points is the most basic idea. However, it is generally known that the position accuracy by this method is insufficient due to multipath fading and shadowing. Additionally, periodic changes in RSSI are observed when using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertising messages. In this research, we propose an improvement method of distance measurement accuracy using signal intensity by using BLE advertising characteristics. In particular, the distance between beacon and receiver is calculated from the frequency difference between three channels used for the advertising messages.}, title = {Bluetooth Low Energyビーコンによる屋内測位のための測距精度向上}, year = {2018} }