 author = {山本, 雄平 and 田中, 成典 and 姜, 文渊 and 中村, 健二 and 田中, ちひろ and 清尾, 直輝 and Yuhei, Yamamoto and Shigenori, Tanaka and Wenyuan, Jiang and Kenji, Nakamura and Chihiro, Tanaka and Naoki, Seio},
 issue = {5},
 journal = {情報処理学会論文誌},
 month = {May},
 note = {我が国では,2020年の東京オリンピックに向けて,スポーツに関わる政策が積極的に推し進められている.その施策の1つである「スポーツ × ICT」では,スポーツ分野における計測機器の開発やデータ計測と可視化手法の高度化,そして新サービスの提案など,最新ICTの効果的な利活用が進められている.しかし,スポーツ分野にICTを適用する試みは始まったばかりの黎明期であり,教育現場や地域クラブの指導者のみならず,高度な専門知識を保有したスタッフにおいても,自在に操ることは難しい.そこで,本研究では,「スポーツ × ICT」に関わる既存研究を調査し,現状把握と効果的な活用方法を模索するとともに,アメリカンフットボールのプレーデータの可視化システムを開発する.そして,選手にセンシング機器を適用し,統計的手法と組み合わせてプレー分析を行い,カレッジフットボールの監督・コーチなどの指導者に新たな気づきを提供できるかの観点に基づき,実用の可能性を検証する., In our country, policies regarding sports are actively advanced towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. One of those policies, “Sports × ICT” considers effective methods of utilizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology), such as development of measurement instruments, measurement and visualization of data, and proposals for new services in the field of sports. However, since attempts to apply ICT to sports have just started these days, it is difficult not only for the leaders in schools and local sports clubs but also for the staff who possess advanced expert knowledge about sports to make full use of ICT as desired. In this research, an investigation is made into the trend of studies related to “Sports × ICT” with a focus on field sports, and a visualization system for a positional play analysis is developed to grasp the present state of team and to grope the methods of practical use. Then, its practicality is verified through motion analysis of American football players using the measuring terminal device to be combined the statistical methods, based on whether it is capable allowing the college football leaders such as managers and coaches to perceive something new.},
 pages = {1334--1350},
 title = {アメリカンフットボールの可視化システムの開発および選手のプレー分析に関する研究},
 volume = {59},
 year = {2018}