@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00178663, author = {槇原, 絵里奈 and 井垣, 宏 and 吉田, 則裕 and 藤原, 賢二 and 川島, 尚己 and 飯田, 元 and Erina, Makihara and Hiroshi, Igaki and Norihiro, Yoshida and Kenji, Fujiwara and Naoki, Kawashima and Hajimu, Iida}, issue = {4}, journal = {情報処理学会論文誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {ソフトウェア開発においてビルドは重要な工程の1つである.多くの既存研究が企業のソフトウェア開発においてビルドが成果物の品質へ与える影響やビルドの支援手法を調査している.一方,高等教育機関で開講されている,ソフトウェア開発PBL演習における学生のビルド活動の実態調査は十分に行われていない.そこで,我々はアジャイル開発を取り入れたソフトウェア開発PBLにおいて,学生のビルドエラーの実態調査を行い,学生が陥りやすいビルドエラーの特徴を分析した.具体的には,学生が個人の開発環境において行うローカルビルドと,チーム共用開発環境で行われるリモートビルドを調査した.ローカル/リモートビルドにおけるエラーの種類,各種エラーの回数や解決時間を調査・比較したところ,学生も実務家同様ファイル間の要素の依存関係によるエラーが多いことや,ローカルでビルドを頻繁に実行・結果を確認することでリモートでのエラー発生を防ぐことが可能なエラー種類などが判明した.これらの結果は,ソフトウェア開発PBLにおいて教員が優先的に指導・確認すべき項目として扱うことが可能である., Software build is a fundamental process in software development. Many previous research have investigated the impact of build on the quality of software product in industrial software development. In addition, they also proposed supporting tool and method for the build process. However, there is no existing research focusing on investigating the build activities performed by students in college software development PBL practice course. Therefore, in our research, we investigated and analyzed students' build errors occurring in such Project-Based Learning (PBL) practice course, which adopted agile development. We collected and analyzed two main sets of data, as one is the local build log from each student's personal development environment, and another is the remote build log from each team's common development environment. Based on the collected data, we compared the build error types, the count of each error type and their respective fixed time between the local and the remote build. From our results, we confirmed that not only experts but also students experience most errors which come from the dependency between files' elements. Furthermore, we identified the error types which students can prevent by frequently performing local build and confirming the results before they submit for remote build. These results can indicate which particular factors that educators should refer to with priority and provide students with corresponding supports and assists.}, pages = {871--884}, title = {ソフトウェア開発PBLにおけるビルドエラーの調査}, volume = {58}, year = {2017} }