 author = {友広, 歩李 and 角, 康之 and Ayuri, Tomohiro and Yasuyuki, Sumi},
 issue = {2},
 journal = {情報処理学会論文誌デジタルコンテンツ(DCON)},
 month = {Aug},
 note = {スケッチは観察により得た情報の記録,共有,そしてアイディアの発想のために様々な場面で行われている表現手法の1つである.しかし,刻一刻と変化する状況を記録するためには素早く簡素に描きとめたり,対象の立体的な構造を2次元の平面で表現する必要があり,絵を描きなれていない人には困難をともなう.本論文ではタブレットPCと深度情報付きカメラを用い,空間構造の理解やデザインを促すスケッチシステムを提案する.システムのねらいは,2次元の手描きスケッチでは表現しにくいものの立体構造に対する気付きを得やすくすることにある.手描きのスケッチに3次元構造を組み合わせ,奥行きのついたスケッチの世界を歩き回ることや,空間内に付箋を貼るようにメモやアイディアを描き加えることを可能とした.本論文では提案システムの概要と実現方法を述べるとともに,システムを用いて描かれたスケッチとその制作過程を紹介する., Sketching is an intuitive and powerful method to capture and externalize designers' idea. This paper presents a novel sketching tool to facilitate the designers to understand and design 3D structure of target objects and space by using tablet PC and camera with depth sensor. Users of the proposed system can take a photo of the target objects and sketch with reference of the taken photo. They can not only sketch on the photos but also change their viewpoint of the sketched space since the system captures 3D structure by depth sensor as well as RGB data. Resultly, the users can easily understand and manipulate the target objects by sketching, and then extend their ideas by drawing the textures in their mind on the 3D surface. This paper also discusses a feasibility of extension of the simple idea from personal usage into collaborative spatial designing by multiple designers by enabling their merged 3D sketch space. This paper shows usage examples of the proposed system and discusses modification of our users' sketch behaviors and their mindset of viewing target worlds.},
 pages = {1--10},
 title = {凹凸情報を持つ写真をキャンバスとした立体スケッチシステム},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2016}