 author = {西川, 仁 and 有田, 一穂 and 田中, 克己 and 平尾, 努 and 牧野, 俊朗 and 松尾, 義博 and Hitoshi, Nishikawa and Kazuho, Arita and Katsumi, Tanaka and Tsutomu, Hirao and Toshiro, Makino and Yoshihiro, Matsuo},
 issue = {2},
 journal = {情報処理学会論文誌},
 month = {Feb},
 note = {本論文では,隠れ半マルコフモデルによる単一文書要約手法を提案する.我々は,単一文書要約を,長さに関する制約の下で,所与の目的関数を最大化する文の系列を,入力文書から得た文集合から探索する問題と見なす.提案する手法は文を選択する際に文間の結束性を考慮することができ,さらに文短縮を組み込むこともできる.提案手法の有効性を評価するため,我々は12,748組もの文書とその参照要約からなる大規模な単一文書要約コーパスを用意した.提案手法は他のベースラインの多くをROUGEおよび言語的品質による評価において上回った.提案手法によって生成された要約の約20%が人間が作成した参照要約と完全に同一であった.また,大規模な単一文書要約コーパスが要約器の訓練に際して重要であることも明らかにした., In this paper we introduce a novel single-document summarization method based on a hidden semi-Markov model. This method can naturally model single-document summarization as the optimization problem of selecting the best sequence from among the sentences in the input document under the given objective function and knapsack constraint. This advantage makes it possible for sentence selection to take the cohesion of the summary into account. In addition our method can also incorporate sentence compression into the summarization process. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we conduct an experimental evaluation with a large-scale corpus consisting of 12,748 pairs of a document and its reference. The results show that our method significantly outperforms the competitive baselines in terms of ROUGE evaluation, and the linguistic quality of summaries is also improved. Our method successfully mimicked the reference summaries, about 20 percent of the summaries generated by our method were completely identical to their references. Moreover, we show that large-scale training samples are quite effective for training a summarizer.},
 pages = {769--782},
 title = {識別的半マルコフモデルによるテキスト結束性を考慮した単一文書要約},
 volume = {57},
 year = {2016}