@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00141988, author = {大串, 健吾 and Kengo, Ohgushi}, issue = {2}, month = {May}, note = {音のピッチ知覚については長い間実験と議論が行われてきた.時代の変遷と共に,聴覚理論は変化してきた.この報告では,聴覚理論の変遷を簡単に紹介する.また複合音のピッチがその基本周波数に対応する純音のピッチとはわずかに異なることを示す実験データを取り上げ,この現象をどのように説明すべきかについて新しい観点から述べる., Perception of tones has been studied and discussed for a long time. As times change, hearing theories change. In this report, changes in the hearing theory are simply introduced. Further, the experimental fact that the pitch of complex tones is slightly but systematically different from the pitch of pure tone corresponding to the fundamental frequency of the complex tone is explained from a new point of view.}, title = {音のピッチ知覚}, year = {2015} }