 author = {武内, 浩平 and 鈴木, 洸斗 and 金子, 将之 and 関家, 一雄 and 杉村, 博 and 益子, 寛 and 一色, 正男 and Kohei, Takeuchi and Hiroto, Suzuki and Masayuki, Kaneko and Kazuo, Sekiya and Hiroshi, Sugimura and Hiroshi, Masuko and Masao, Issiki},
 issue = {2},
 month = {May},
 note = {本論文は汎用赤外線リモコンを ECHONET Lite に対応させることにより,ネットワークに対応していない家電機器を ECHONET Lite と同一の枠組みでコントロールするしくみの開発を行う.さらにこの仕組みを導入した扇風機を利用して家電を用いたゲームを開発した., For the purpose of adding network operability by ECHONET Lite communication to the appliances with no network capability but equipped with infrared remote control, we have developed a system that translates ECHONET Lite commands into infrared codes. We also made an original game utilizing the system in combination with electric fans.},
 title = {汎用赤外線リモコンのECHONET Lite化と家電ゲームの開発},
 year = {2015}