@article{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00107462, author = {松田, 卓也 and MATSUDA, Takuya}, issue = {01}, journal = {情報処理}, month = {Dec}, note = {シンギュラリティとは人工知能の能力が全人類の知的能力より大きくなる現象,あるいはその時点を言う.2045年頃であるとする意見が多い.そのような人工知能を超知能と呼ぶ.本論ではシンギュラリティと超知能について概観する.特に超知能の分類,シンギュラリティと超知能の諸問題,現実の計画, シンギュラリティ,超知能の社会的・政治的意味,危険性などについて論じる.また政治的側面に関する筆者の見解も述べる., The technological singularity is either the phenomenon or the epoch at which the capacity of artificial intelligence surpasses that of all human combined. Many researchers predict it would occur around 2045. We call such capable artificial intelligence as the superintelligence. This manuscript is a review of the technological singularity and the superintelligence. We discuss the classification of superintelligence, various problems of the technological singularity/superintelligence, present and near future projects, social and political implications and possible danger of the superintelligence. Author’s opinion on political issue is also presented.}, pages = {10--14}, title = {人類とICTの未来:シンギュラリティまで30年?:1.来たるべきシンギュラリティと超知能の驚異と脅威}, volume = {56}, year = {2014} }