 author = {Masahiko, Sakai and Tatsuki, Kato and Masahiko, Sakai and Tatsuki, Kato},
 issue = {5},
 journal = {情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)},
 month = {Dec},
 note = {Malbolge is known as one of the most esoteric languages, in which programming is very difficult. The difficulty comes from (a) its restrictive instructions, (b) instruction-replacement after execution and (c) restriction on loadable data. In this presentation, we overview Malbolge language and our results to produce its programs., Malbolge is known as one of the most esoteric languages, in which programming is very difficult. The difficulty comes from (a) its restrictive instructions, (b) instruction-replacement after execution and (c) restriction on loadable data. In this presentation, we overview Malbolge language and our results to produce its programs.},
 pages = {15--15},
 title = {Esoteric Programming Language Malbolge and Its Low-level Assembler},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2014}