@techreport{oai:ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp:00101196, author = {山岡, 将綺 and 原, 直 and 阿部, 匡伸 and Masaki, Yamaoka and Sunao, Hara and Masanobu, Abe}, issue = {7}, month = {May}, note = {運転中の利用に適した対話方法を提案するため,ユーザ負荷の観点で対話戦略を評価した.対話の主導権の方式と確認発話の方式を組み合わせて,客観評価実験である計算機シミュレーションを行った.シミュレーションの条件として,システムがユーザに余裕があるときのみ発話する条件と,ユーザが正しく聞き取れる割合の条件を設定した.また,これらの方式を実装した音声対話システムを利用した主観評価実験を行った.これらの評価から,ユーザ主導の対話戦略は認識率が高いとターン数やタスク達成時間が少なく優れているという結果を得た.一方,システム主導や混合主導の対話戦略は認識率が低い場合にターン数やタスク達成時間がユーザ主導の対話戦略よりも低く優れているという結果を得た.余裕があるときのみ発話する場合は,タスク達成までに時間がかかるため効率が悪いが,ユーザが感じる負担はほとんどないという結果を得た., We assess dialog strategies from user's workload standpoint to suggest usage of spoken dialog systems while driving. We evaluate several dialog strategies, which are combinations of methods of dialog initiative and confirmation manner, with objective evaluation method using computer simulation. Two conditions of the simulation are set up; One is that the system speaks if the user has leeway to talk with the system, and the another one is that the system speaks even if the user will be fail to recognize the system's. We also evaluate spoken dialog systems applying these methods with subjective evaluation method. As a result of the evaluations, user initiative strategy has advantages in lower turn number and lower task completion rate than both system initiative strategy and mixed initiative strategies when cognitive rate is high. The result also shows that system initiative strategy and mixed initiative strategy have advantages in lower turn number and lower task completion rate than user initiative strategy when cognitive rate is low. Additionally, the result shows that the method, which system speaks only when user has enough time driving operation, makes user's workload low, however, it need more time to complete tasks.}, title = {車載用音声対話システムにおけるユーザ負荷を考慮した対話戦略の検討}, year = {2014} }