 author = {倉持, 基 and 研谷, 紀夫 and 津田, 光弘 and 馬場, 章 and Motoi, Kuramochi and Norio, Togiya and Mitsuhiro, Tsuda and Akira, Baba},
 book = {じんもんこん2005論文集},
 month = {Dec},
 note = {本研究は,文字史料の傍証研究あるいは撮影者・写真技術研究でしかなかったこれまでの古写真研究に対し,情報学的な視点を導入して取得された多様な歴史情報を統合的に扱い,今後の歴史写真研究の素材およびツールとなり得る「歴史写真デジタルアーカイブ」を構築し,これまで歴史資料としての十分な価値を認められていなかった歴史写真に歴史資料としての価値を与えることを目指すものである., In this paper, we propose that historical photographs as valuable historical resources --- indeed, historical photographs (so called early photographs) themselves has never been recognized as the important historical resources. Studies of early photographs have been just studies of the circumstantial evidence for literary resources or, studies of photographers and photography technique. On the contrary, we contribute the new studies of historical photographs. We totally manage the variety of historical information taken from the viewpoint of information science. It leads the construction of digital archive of historical photographs that provides both resources and tools for new studies of historical photographs.},
 pages = {113--120},
 publisher = {情報処理学会},
 title = {デジタルアーカイブを利用した歴史写真の情報学的研究},
 volume = {2005},
 year = {2005}