@techreport{weko_31727_1, author = "朝廣雄一 and Jesper,Jansson and 宮野,英次 and 小野,廣隆 and 善明紘平", title = "最大重み付き出次数を最小化するグラフ有向化問題の近似(不)可能性", year = "2006", institution = "Department of Social lnformation Systems,Kyushu Sangyo University, Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Kyushu University, Department of Systems lnnovation and lnformatics,Kyushu lnstitute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering Kyushu University, Department of Systems lnnovation and lnformatics,Kyushu lnstitute of Technology", number = "71(2006-AL-107)", month = "jul" }