@techreport{weko_174936_1, author = "Yuta,Tamai,Yuka Shinpo,Kensuke Horinouchi,Makoto Arimura,Sizuko Hiryu,Kohta I. Kobayashi", title = "Speech perception created by noninvasive direct cochlear stimulation", year = "2016", institution = "Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University, Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University, Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University, Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University, Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University, Neuroethology and bioengineering laboratory, Doshisha University/JSTPREST", number = "11", month = "oct" }